Thursday, December 18, 2008

China Bans, my favorite website for social artwork networking, was banned by the Chinese government.

According to the article on deviantArt, Chinese Deviants ( "deviant" is the term used on deviantArt to refer to it's members) are finding it extremely difficult to access because it is now on the black list of the Chinese authority. There has been no official announcement or explanation for the ban, however some speculate that it's related to Tibetan politics.

I think it's sad. I'm a subscribing member to and even though I haven't been very active in submitting art as of late, I can't imagine how upset I'd be if found one day I couldn't connect.

There are so many kinds (for lack of a better term) of art submitted to deviantArt on a daily basis. A search of popular submissions will find something for everyone and if you have the mature block checked off you'll find somethings that will offend anyone. Still is it right for a goverment to block a website that promotes freedom of expression? Would deviantArt ammend it's submission policies to make nice with Chinese authority? or will the rest of deviantArt just have to carry on without our Chinese friends?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm one of them... imagine the horror, of waking up one day... blinded, deaf, and mute, to your friends.